Ecophon – Sound of nature campaign

We were contacted by Ecophon in early 2020 to carry out a brand new campaign aiming at Interior designers and architects rather than engineers that had been Ecophons target for many years.
Our approach to the problem was that you can not find better sound than in the nature. However Ecophons products come pretty close. We wanted to visualize how a good sound environment need to mirror natures sound characteristics. Therefore a new concept was created where we brought nature indoors and Ecophons products out in nature. It was a new and inspiring way of showing acoustic solutions. We created the concept for commercials, both for pictures and film, and wrote scripts for the commercial based on the latest research about sound. The global campaign was successfully launched 2021.
“Our ears have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to hear perfectly in nature. Yet today we spend up to 90% of our time indoors. That has tremendous consequences at work. 70% of us aren’t happy with noise in the workplace. It can take up to 25 minutes to return to our original tasks, and another 8 minutes to get back to the same level of concentration before we were interrupted. “